

A nice bag of chips, healthy nut or dried fruit; delicious on weekends at the bar or weekends because you feel like it. In addition to the standard Lay’s range, we also find the famous Hoeksche chips in different flavors. Did you know that they won the number 1 prize of the most delicious paprika chips?

These chips of Hoeksche chips contain less fat and are available in different variations with only natural ingredients. Other special chips you find in our shelves are: Seaweed chips from the sea.

For items like almond meal, almond chop, frog pea flour, corn flour can also be served with us.


Who thinks that popcorn only exists in a salty and sweet variant is wrong. The delicious corn corn from Proper Corn from England must have tasted you once; crispy popcorn with peanut almond, sea salt, coconut vanilla or sour cream black pepper and sweet and salty. Not only tasty but also healthy because of up to 5{83ca7aaf3dc3d28bf291993f98ab963098d133de87c43cc9edc4240b6169dfe7} sugar.

Our nut and southern fruit assortment can be called extensively; raw nuts, rice crackers, nuts and raisins with chocolate, dates, figs, dried plums and apricots. We also pack almonds, walnuts, Medjoul dates, apricots and figs. So you can get the most out of it.



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